The Cherryleaf Podcast

Cherryleaf Ltd.’s podcast on becoming a better technical and business communicator.

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Friday Nov 11, 2022

We asked on Social Media
Someone joins as/becomes a manager of technical writing team.
What would you advise they do in their first 90-100 days?
In this episode, we go through the responses we received.
We'll post a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:
The five pillars of content strategy:

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022

We look at optimising technical documentation for Search Engines.
We'll post a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:
Podcast 62 Looking back on the presentations at The Evolution of TC 2019 conference
99 Percent Invisible: Search and ye might find

127. Creating Playbooks

Sunday Sep 11, 2022

Sunday Sep 11, 2022

We look at playbooks. We ask: what are they, and why create them?
We also discuss our approach for creating playbooks, and the different ways to publish them. 
We'll post a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:

Monday Jul 11, 2022

We look at the value of retrospectives at the end of a documentation project, and how you can run one. 
We'll post a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:

Friday Jun 10, 2022

We look at the types of skills we, and others, are looking for, when taking on freelance and permanent technical communicators. 
We'll post a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:

Tuesday May 10, 2022

We asked:
Does anyone have any techcomm timesaver tips they'd like to share?
This is what you told us...
We'll post a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:

Sunday Apr 10, 2022

We look at different ways to measure and check the quality of the content we produce.
Developing Quality Technical Information (DQTI), Hargis, IBM, 1997
Peter Morville’s User Experience Honeycomb
Ilene Burnstein, Practical Software Testing
Teste e Qualidade de Software Software Reviews and Other Static Software Analysis. Rodrigo Back Almada.
We'll post a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:
Our new training bundles:
Cherryleaf Technical Communication Courses

Thursday Mar 10, 2022

We look at GitHub and how technical communicators are using GitHub for creating documentation.
Our new training bundles:
Cherryleaf Technical Communication Courses
Creative writing with GitHub copilot
Hands on - AI pair programming with GitHub Copilot

Thursday Feb 10, 2022

In this episode, we look at the skills needed for developing a developer portal.
We also talk about our new e-learning course "Creating API documentation and developer portals", and Google's recommendations for the content needed on a developer portal. 
We'll post a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:

120. Lessons learnt in 2021

Monday Jan 10, 2022

Monday Jan 10, 2022

Happy New Year. We posted this question on social media:
What lessons have you learnt over the last 12 months? Working from home, wins, losses, mindset, managing the pandemic etc.
In this episode, we go through the responses, and reflect on what was said. 
About Cherryleaf:
Pexels image: Julia M Cameron

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