The Cherryleaf Podcast

Cherryleaf Ltd.’s podcast on becoming a better technical and business communicator.

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Thursday Jul 11, 2024

We've created some YouTube Shorts on promoting the value of techcomm. We talk about the process of creating the videos and the content in the videos.
See also:
Cherryleaf's YouTube Shorts
Uncovering and communicating the value of your tech comm teams' work, with Keren Brown 
We'll also publish a transcript of this podcast on the Cherryleaf blog.
About Cherryleaf:

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

In April 2023, we conducted a survey into the use of AI and ChatGPT in technical communications. We thought it would be interesting to carry out a similar survey again. 
In this podcast, we talk about the results from the survey and describe what has changed over the last 12 months.
We'll post a transcript on the Cherryleaf blog.
About Cherryleaf:

147. The art of persuasion

Monday May 13, 2024

Monday May 13, 2024

This month's podcast looks at the language of persuasion and how technical authors can use it.
What do we mean by persuasive language? What is nudging and are we as technical authors able to use this type of language?
As part of the research for this podcast I watched some public information films and read articles which are mentioned in the podcast. Many thanks to those organisations, authors and their expertise. Here are the links to the ones mentioned in the podcast:
The British Film Institute (BFI) has a comprehensive catalogue of public information films as well as much other entertaining and informative material. You can watch the ones mentioned in the podcast by following the links below:
Lonely water film
Green Cross Code film
AIDS awareness film
Internet shopping film
Marco Janicke's article "Who listens to safety instructions anyway" in TC World
More info about Marco
Nest leaf information
We'll also publish a transcript of this podcast on the Cherryleaf blog.
About Cherryleaf:

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

In this episode, we look at the current demand for contract Technical Authors in the UK, using statistics from We look at the the number of vacancies and whether this has affected the rates offered.
We'll also publish a transcript of this podcast on the Cherryleaf blog.
About Cherryleaf:

Monday Mar 11, 2024

This month's podcast looks at how large organisations create useful, informative content which is accessible to a wide, often global, audience.
As part of the research for this podcast I looked at various websites which are mentioned in the podcast. Many thanks to those organisations and their expertise. Here are the links to the ones mentioned in the podcast:
Fast Company
We'll also publish a transcript of this podcast on the Cherryleaf blog.
About Cherryleaf:

Monday Feb 12, 2024

This month's podcast looks at what is involved in a corporate re-brand and what is involved for technical authors if their organisation decides to rebrand.
What is a corporate brand? And what is involved when an organisation decides to rebrand?
As part of the research for this podcast we looked at various websites which are mentioned in the podcast. Many thanks to those organisations and their expertise. Here are the links to the ones mentioned in the podcast: has lots of informative articles, their article on the importance of branding was very informative:
Profile tree are a web design and digital marketing company with lots of great posts about digital marketing strategy:
Madcap Flare is help authoring tool widely used in the technical authoring community and beyond: 
We'll also publish a transcript of this podcast on the Cherryleaf blog.
About Cherryleaf:

Thursday Jan 11, 2024

Welcome to the first episode of 2024!
In this exciting instalment, we dive deep into the evolving world of e-ink writing devices. Will these gadgets gain momentum in the tech world?
We explore their rising popularity and forecast their potential to become mainstream tools. We'll dissect the key issues these devices address, unveiling the unique solutions they offer to modern problems.
Our discussion spans the capabilities and features of these e-ink devices, delving into the functionality and user experience. Additionally, we identify and analyze a range of potential use cases, illustrating how these devices can fit into various aspects of daily life and work.
We also mention the market leaders driving innovation in this sector. Tune in to get an in-depth look at the future of e-ink writing devices and their role in shaping our digital writing landscape.
About Cherryleaf:

Monday Dec 11, 2023

It’s that time of year for us to gaze into our crystal ball and share your and our predictions for the future of technical communication for 2024 and beyond.
We've posted a transcript to the Cherryleaf Blog. 
About Cherryleaf:
Microsoft's Akash Dubey has created a YouTube playlist that contains a series of interviews with people from Microsoft, Meta, Across Systems, and Cherryleaf, on lessons learnt with AI.
Generative AI and Techcomm playlist on YouTube

Monday Nov 13, 2023

In this episode, we look at what Techcomm problems can generative AI solve.
Technical writers today face numerous challenges that can hinder productivity and impact content quality. From managing high volumes of documentation to keeping pace with rapid product changes, it takes great effort to produce and maintain helpful, accurate, and engaging technical content. This is where AI comes in.
In this episode, we provide an overview of the common pain points technical writers experience and demonstrate how generative AI can effectively address many of these issues. From automating repetitive tasks to enhancing writing quality, AI-powered tools offer new capabilities that will transform the field of technical communication.
We discuss key applications like boilerplate text generation, text summarisation, grammar corrections, writing style adaptability, and more. With the right human-AI collaboration, technical writers can be more efficient, consistent, and creative.
We will publish a transcript on the Cherryleaf blog. 
About Cherryleaf:

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

We talk to Kristof Van Tomme, CEO of Pronovix, about the role of API and developer portals in Generative AI systems. We discuss how organisations can prepare for AI.
We talk about what documentation infrastructure organisations should have in place to be able to use AI safely from an information perspective. We also discuss whether developer portals will become even more important.
We will publish a transcript on the Cherryleaf blog. 
About Cherryleaf:

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